Dream Job Affirmations

I am a perfect fit for the dream job that I work for 

My dream job has already selected me as their desired candidate 

I am so thankful to be working my dream job

I am enjoying the luxuries of working my dream job

I am paid highly for my excellent work ethic

I am making six figures at my dream job

I am working the perfect schedule at my dream job

I am moving up in life because of my dream job

I am free of ever doing anything that I don’t want to do at my dream job

I am working for the best company ever

I am receiving the best benefits on top of my high paying salary 

I am blessed with the best boss and coworkers at my dream job

I am a major asset to my team 

I am frequently receiving praise from my coworkers and boss

I am loving my dream job

I am able to enjoy my free time on my off days 

I am being praised by friends and family for working my dream job 

I am waking up every morning looking forward to my day

I am thankful to bring necessary skills and experience to my dream job

My high salary grants me comfort and luxury 

My dream job allows me lots of free time to decompress

My dream job promotes me quickly 

I am an expert in my position at my dream job

My dream job doesn’t feel like work 

I am working my dream job now

Everyone is congratulating me for getting my dream job

I feel properly taken care of at my dream job

I feel right at home at my dream job

I feel so much purpose with my dream job

I am excited to go to work at my dream job

I am thankful to have been hired on the spot at my dream job

My dream job provides me with all the necessary tools for the job

My expectations for my dream job have been blown out of the water

When people complain about their job, I find it hard to relate 

I feel an effortless motivation for my dream job

I feel proud of my new job

I am adored at my dream job

I easily make a great lasting impression 

Employers are begging me to work for them 

I have lots of negotiating power 

I receive an income increase now
My dream job offers me a sign on bonus as well as plenty of other bonuses and incentives

I am thankful to always get what I want

I am thankful that life always caters to me 

I am thankful that this subliminal has worked for me 

I am amazed at how great at manifesting I am

Manifesting anything is always so easy for me 

My confidence in my manifestation ability is boosted x100

I am oozing confidence

I am living life to the fullest

I am so lucky

I am at peace

I am worry free

I am a master manifester 

Everything I want magnetizes to me now 

ब्लॉग पर वापस जाएँ