Affirmations For Chakra Healing

I am fully purified now

I am cleansed now 

My chakras are cleansed now

My chakras are balanced now

I am seeing improvements in my life because my chakras are balanced

My root chakra is perfectly active ❤️ 

I am grounded to the Earth ❤️ 

I am belonging ❤️ 

I am deserving of being here ❤️ 

My sacral chakra is perfectly active 🧡 

I am sexually healthy 🧡 

I am creative now 🧡 

I am appreciating the sensations of being a human 🧡 

My solar plexus chakra is perfectly active 💛 

I am empowered 💛 

I am confident 💛 

I am taking action towards my goals, dreams, and desires 💛 

My heart chakra is perfectly active 💚 

I am love 💚 

I am compassionate 💚 

I am appreciating myself 💚 

My throat chakra is perfectly active 🩵 

I am fully expressive 🩵 

I am honest 🩵 

I am an eloquent communicator 🩵 

My third eye chakra is perfectly active 💙 

I am intuitive 💙 

I am knowing 💙 

I am seeing clearly now 💙 

I am thoughtful 💙 

My crown chakra is perfectly active 💜

I am a spiritual being 💜

I am connected to all things 💜

I am full of divine wisdom 💜

I am a source of creation 💜

My chakras are healthy

I am in great spirits now

I am oozing magnetism 

I am shining now 

I am a magnet for great experiences now

I always get what I want

Everything always goes my way 

This is my world

I am seeing just how powerful I am now

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