I have always had healthy skin
I am immune to skin disorders
Good skin is in my genetics
I am seeing my skin miraculously clear up now
I am seeing cysts disappear now
I am seeing acne disappear now
I am seeing rosacea disappear now
I am seeing undesired moles disappear now
I am seeing pigmentation balance now
I am seeing undesired marks disappear now
I am seeing itchiness disappear now
I am seeing dryness disappear now
I am seeing any skin condition miraculously heal on its own
My skin is supple
I am immune to wrinkles
I am immune to sun damage
My skin’s oil production is balanced
I have balanced skin
I am proud of my skin
I love my skin and it loves me back
I have the prettiest skin ever
I am blessed with great genes
I am blessed with great skin
My skin is visibly glowing
My skin is the clearest it's ever been
People frequently ask me for skincare advice
I am taking all the steps necessary to maintain flawless skin
My skin is miraculously clearing up now
My skin looks better than ever
I have a consistent skincare regime that keeps my skin clear and healthy
My skin is dewy and smooth
My skin glistens
My skin is beautiful
My skin is balanced and hydrated
I am immune to acne and blemishes
I am seeing scars disappear now
I use the best of the best products for my skin
Dermatolegists are blown away at how flawless my skin is
I am a skincare master now
I can eat whatever I want and my skin always looks good
I am actively detoxing my skin now
My skin is perfectly smooth and exfoliated
My stress levels are low
My health is optimal
I have the best esthetician in the world
I go to the spa regularly to keep up with my skin health
I am easily affording high quality skincare
I am easily keeping my skin clear and smooth
It makes me feel so good to have great skin
I am so confident because I am beautiful
I am attracting more people to me now
I am attracting skincare opportunities now
I have all the skincare knowledge now
I am dedicated and consistent with my skincare
My skin magically clears now