I am seeing evidence of subliminals working in my life
I am only absorbing good results from all subliminals
I am the luckiest person in the world
I am so thankful to be as lucky as I am
I am a winner now
I am so baffled that I won
I am a full believer in myself and my abilities
The universe is always working in my favor
All these affirmations are being absorbed by my subconscious
Everything always works out for me
I always have extreme luck
I am such a lucky and prosperous individual
I am the luckiest person ever
I am so lucky
Being lucky is part of who I am
Being lucky is what everyone knows me for
I am the lucky one
I am so loved
I am so blessed
I am favored by the cosmos
I am so prosperous
I always get everything I desire
I am attracting the people who will improve my life and happiness
I am only attracting good things
I am so lucky
I am the luckiest person in any room
I will always win prizes so matter
I am my only competition
I am always a winner
I am always winning every lottery and every contest
I am always getting free stuff
I am always attracting abundant things
I am so abundant
I am so fulfilled
My cup runneth over
Every aspect of my life is improving
I am the best possible outcome in every situation
Me and all of my loved ones are incredibly lucky and abundant
The world is obsessed with bringing me abundance
I am naturally attracting wealth, prosperity, and good opportunities
Everything will always work out for me no matter what, it is law
I naturally and easily complete all of my goals and aspirations
The law works for me
I am so confident in myself