Affirmations for Working Out

I am fit

I am seeing improvements in my body now

I have my desired body

My body is perfectly sculpted

My figure is to my liking

I feel good in my body

I am motivated to workout

I am making friends while I exercise

I am moving my body everyday

I am healthy

I am fitting into my favorite jeans 

I am fitting into my desired clothes with ease

I am easily affording and buying all desired workout clothes

I am easily affording and buying all desired supplements

I am easily affording and buying all desired gear

I am easily affording and sustaining desired memberships

I am consciously making time to workout multiple times a week

I am an active person

My body enjoys physical activity 

I feel great after I workout

I am addicted to my results

I go easy on my body 

I push myself when it feels good

I establish an effective workout routine

I am seeing my muscles improve now

I am satisfied with my results

I am leaning out where I want to

I am thickening up where I want to

I have my perfect ideal body now

I am overcoming any workout challenges with ease

I am attracting the necessary help and training

I have a perfect form

I am executing each workout perfectly

I am flexible

I am stretching my muscles 

I am improving my mobility

I am improving my endurance

I am improving my stamina

I am improving my strength

I have perfect balance

I am safely moving up in weight & intensity

I am always safe when I workout

I look good when I workout 

I am skilled at my preferred workout methods

I am eating the perfect diet for my body

I am giving my body the fuel it needs 

I am eating nutritious foods that power my body

I am feeling myself 

I look good 

I am thankful to prioritize my health

I am thankful for my health 

I am thankful for my body

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