I am loved
I am adored
Everyone notices how happy we are together
Everyone I like likes me back
If I obsess over someone its because theyre obsessed with me
Isnt it wonderful that the love of my life loves me so much?
Isnt it wonderful that I am adored
I'm so thankful to have an amazing lover
I am so thankful I always get who I want
Thank you for romance
Thank you for giving me the love of my life
I am thankful everyone I love loves me back
My partner overwhelms me with affection
My partner overwhelms me with obsession
My person is obsessed with me
My person thanks god everyday for bringing me into their life
My person cannot live without me
I am God’s gift to everyone in my life
It is impossible to not love me
My person is falling more and more in love with me with every passing moment
My person makes me feel safe
My person makes me feel secure
I am thankful to have someone who makes me feel safe and secure
I get an overwhelming amount of attention from my lover
Isn’t it wonderful that I have a lover who gives me just the right amount of affection?
I am so thankful my persons love language aligns with mine
I am so thankful I have an amazing lover who only has eyes for me
I am the only person my lover thinks about
They are so obsessed with me
They are texting me now
My person tells me they love me now
My person confesses their love now
My person tells me Im all theirs
My person commits to me now
I am the only person my lover wants
Im so lucky to have such a faithful lover
I am all they think about now
They are at my beckoning call now
They are calling me now
They blow up my phone now
I am receiving tons of text messages from my person
I am so attractive to everyone
I am emitting a loving glow that attracts people to me
I am a 10/10