My body is perfect
I am perfect as I am
I am seeing constructive changes to my body now
My form is sovereign
I am already my perfect self
I already have my desired look
I already am my desired weight
I already am my desired height
I am morphing from the molecular level to align with my desired body
I am naturally achieving my desired body
I look good in the clothes I wear
I am feeling beautiful
I am feeling worthy
I am feeling better than ever before
I am loving my body more than ever before
I am taking care of my body
I am activating my best genes
I am deciding what my body looks like and my body listens
My skin is glowing
I am glowing
My hair is healthy now
I am seeing amazing results with achieving my desired body
I am magnetizing everyone with my attractive features
My body is ideal
I am an icon
I am loving myself more than ever before
I am appreciating my body
I am seeing my desired qualities in myself
Everything I desire, I already am
Everything I want, I already have
I am seeing amazing results from this subliminal and any other body subliminal
I am seeing constructive changes to my body now