Divine Feminine Affirmations

I am the feminine. I am the empress. I am creative. I am loving. I am soulful . I am life. I am intuitive. I am QUEEN. I am embodying sovereignty. I am receiving. I am deepening my capacity to feel now. I am expressing myself to the fullest. I am carefree. I am connected to all things. I am knowing. I am in perfect alignment with the flow of my life. I am sensual.  I am confident. I am a goddess incarnate. I am compassionate. I am understanding. I am creation. I allow myself to creatively express. I am radiating my best self. I am magnetic.  I am a natural creatrix. I am tapping into my ability to attract. I am creating my reality. I am the high priestess.  I am connected to the womb.  I am mystical.  I am a lover. I am a caretaker. I am birthing my dreams into reality. I am setting healthy boundaries. I am honoring myself. I am immune to jealousy.  I am fair. I am innocence.  I am taking care of myself and my loved ones. I am a healer. I am a visionary. I embody self respect. I am steward of the earth.
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