I am a master at lucid dreaming
I am the best lucid dreamer ever
I am lucid dreaming every night
Life is good because i can lucid dream
I am learning everything there is to know about lucid dreaming and astral projection
I have OBEs often
Astral projecting is normal and easy for me
I am always safe during my astral projection experiences
I am meeting my spirit guides now
I am spiritually protected always
I am able to easily create my dreams
I am easily able to create my life
I get excited to sleep so I can lucid dream
I am connecting with others who are good at astral projecting
I am experiencing paranormal miracles now
I am able to connect with passed loved ones in the astral realm
I am excited to astral project
I always have fun astral projecting
I can leave my body whenever I want
I can come back to my body whenever I want
I am immune to negative entities
I am able to remain conscious while out of body
My soul is powerful
I am protected by the light of God